That’s how it all began. A stirring within, a voice that kept repeating day and night. Lupin’s founder Dr. Desh Bandhu Gupta could not ignore that still, small voice urging him to do something for India’s villages, to give back to society something of what it had given him and in giving, receive. Thus Lupin Rural Support Programme (LRSP), (later rechristened as Lupin Human Welfare & Research Foundation) was set up on October 2, 1988, Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Anniversary with the objective of providing an alternative model of Holistic Rural Development in the country,which is sustainable, replicable and ever evolving. Lupin Foundation is thus an independent entity of Lupin Ltd., implementing CSR activities all over India. The Foundation has been successful in making a big difference in the development of poverty-ridden villages, and especially in the life of the poorest of the poor and empowerment of a large number of women in these areas. In addition, it has created a model for poverty alleviation and employment generation (self-employment and placement)which can be replicated in the country.
The Empowering Force:
The community is at the core of the process of change. In each of the adopted village, Lupin Gram Vikas Panchayats (LGVP), group of catalysts or influencers, have been established. They are the role models- whose example inspires and motivates the rest of the villagers. They have proved invaluable tools creating social change.
Engine of Change – Fuelled by Desire :
The engine of change chugs along, spurts and often just dies. Unless, it is fuelled by desire. This is what Lupin Foundation seeks to achieve through community development. Each village group identifies a project, agrees on an action plan, locate resources and start work. The ripple effect is amazing. Village after village took up different projects, found resources – and made the change. The LGVP consists of one President and Treasurer and has ten members representing all communities residing in the village. The World Bank has replicated our Village Development Committee Structure in their District Poverty Initiative Programme (DPIP) by forming Common Interest Groups(CIG) of the same pattern. A scheme called ApnaGaonApnaKaam (AGAK) was announced by Govt. of Rajasthan replicating the Lupin Model of community ownership where the villagers contribute in part to the development activities in their area. This is one of the example of partnership-ownership by the villagers and brought an attitudinal change in the villages.
Special features of Lupin Gram Vikas Panchayat (LGVP)
- LGVP plans, executes and monitors the development programme.
- In so many years, not a single case of misappropriation of fund was found with LGVPs.
- Quarterly meeting LGVPs is held for review of action plan.
- Sense of ownership due to the active involvement gives them a pride.
- LGVP is a time-tested voluntary organization at village level.
Development Approach
Lupin does not impose any official norm of poverty; instead it allows local people define poverty for themselves. Participatory Rural Approach (PRA) is held under the aegis of LGVP to understand the aspirations of men, women and youth, perception of livelihood, future of their children, freedom etc.
The point is only to suggest that people’s expectations are important and need to be taken into account before proceeding with development programme. Thus it is more need based and area specific.
The strategy was to begin at the micro level and let the forces of change percolate upwards. Lupin Foundation saw its role as that of a catalyst, integrating diverse resources to make things happen. As the development programmes gained momentum, response came from all sides – Government and Non-Government bodies, volunteers…. but most importantly, it was the willpower of the villagers that finally made the difference.